Thursday 22 May 2014

Evangelising Hate: Islamic Eduction and Research Academy (iERA)

I had never heard of the iERA until an email from the One Law for All organisation, announcing a new report from its allied Council of ex Muslims of Britain.  It's a well-written and extensively referenced report, which should concern us all in countries with significant Muslim communities. For the fact is that, even if we accept that the majority of Muslims are "peaceful" and "moderate", there are significant minorities who are the most active in the Islamic community, who push Islamification agendas, and draconian Sharia "for all".
It's worth taking the time to read this report, and seeing just how clearly the spokesmen (all men) of iERA state their positions: hatred of jews, stoning to death of apostates, gays and adulterers, hatred of non-Muslims, and the need for Islam and Sharia to take over the world. Their views are striking, clear and unambiguous; and they are horrid, hateful and revolting. They must be resisted.
There's no doubt this report should be taken seriously by the UK government (it's been sent to the Home Office and Eduction Department, inter alia).  I wonder if it will be taken seriously, or even read.  Somehow I doubt it; the need to excuse Islam on all counts -- the fear that to criticise even its extreme edges is "Islamophobic" -- is too deeply ingrained: I hear it daily on the BBC).
These iERA spokesmen quoted in the report are very serious people. They must be faced down.
Here's a quote from the Conclusion:
Whilst iERA purports to be a missionary-like charitable organisation, it is in fact a “soft Islamist” group. The aim of “soft Islamists” is to act as the Islamist movement’s public relations arm by promoting and normalising Islamist values and norms, including inciting hatred against ex-Muslims, gays, Jews, women, non Muslims and a majority of Muslims who do not share their values. In Britain and the west, groups like iERA use multiculturalism (as a social policy that segregates “communities”) and cultural relativism as well as the rights language of diversity, tolerance and inter-faith dialogue to increase influence and access. Any opposition to their theocratic aims are met with accusations of racism and Islamophobia.
Where they have more influence, society is witness to a rise in everything from women and children wearing burkas, increased gender segregation at universities, legitimisation of Sharia-compliant wills and rules, acceptance of Sharia courts for the “Muslim minority” and the Islamisation of schools and mosques.
Unfortunately, groups like iERA are not analysed sufficiently within a wider context of the international Islamist movement. Their demands for gender- segregation at universities or Sharia-compliant rules are merely seen to be “people’s right to religion” (and are defended as such by many “progressive” groups in Britain rather than understanding the implications of such groups on the increasing influence of Islamist norms in Britain).
The continuum in which extremist ideas are normalised is the area in which the iERA operate. It perpetuates a discourse that normalises hatred in religious terms, and sets the climate for “radicalisation”, bigotry and Islamism to flourish.
Read the report here.