Sunday 10 July 2011

"DSK Affair's Missing 62 Minutes"

Fascinating stuff!  And worth reading Epstein's "reckoning" of the time line.
As one of the commenters said: "the followers of cancelled daytime soaps are migrating to the Daily Beast's blog".
Before making such a momentous decision, hotel officials might have decided to consult other concerned parties. A call, for example, might have been made to the French Consulate or Embassy. (DSK, after all, was a former minister and head of the IMF.) If so, word likely would have quickly reached the Elysée Palace or its DCRI intelligence service. Or a call might have been made to superiors at the Accor Group in Paris. If so, the information may have also reached the Elysée Palace. The French newsweekly Le Nouvel Observateur reported this week that suspicions were circulating that someone from the Accor Group at some point alerted Ange Mancini, Sarkozy’s Karl Rove-like coordinator of information in the Elysée. A spokesman for the Accor Group called this report baseless. (The Sofitel executives I queried declined to comment on any calls made.) So we do not know who, if anyone, was consulted by the accuser’s handlers at the Sofitel during the 62-minute gap./Snip.  More...